
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Justus von Liebig the first biochar rock star

Making way for the industrial revolution with his insight in chemical fertilizer and his work on the use of charcoal makes this guy my new hero. Read the article by Kelpie Wilson over at Ithaka Journal

Ithaka-Journal für Terroirwein, Biodiversität und Klimafarming » Blog Archiv » (English) Justus von Liebig and the Birth of Modern Biochar

Friday, May 10, 2013

New findings regarding biochar and N2O emissions from soils

Over at nature, members of the Cornell university have investigated the effects of biochar on reduced emissions of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Over at you can find really interesting stuff about biochar and even the instructions on how to start your own experiments. The pages are really easily read and I for one will investigate them further.

Monday, March 11, 2013

National Geographic on biochar

Put the word biochar into google and one of the top results is this article featured on the NG homepage. I think it was worth mentioning since it debates a lot of the issues and possibilities with biochar on a global scale as well as benefits for the individual.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Charcoal dust

I came across this video and I have to say, I don't know how to react. The idea is good, yes, but the execution is not optimal to say the least. On the other hand it shows what could be done differently. I mean the technique is 5000 years old...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Introducing BalBic

I came across this website this morning. The Baltic Bioenergy and Industrial Charcoal company is:
"a renewable energy development project, which aims to develop the use of biocoal in the Baltic Sea region."
 If I'm not mistaken, this is one of a few Finnish companies that produce and study biocoal/biochar. An neven more interesting thing is that some of the authors of some of the material seem to be working here in my neighborhood. I plan to make contact and if I'm lucky maybe get a guided tour or some answers for my questions. Exciting times!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year

An apology is in order since a few months have passed since the last update. This year will hopefully be filled with a lot of interesting news about biochar. I am just one exam short of my masters degree and the future lies open. Who knows, if I am working full time with biochar in a few months. Nobody knows.

So, these are my wishes and dreams for the year 2013.